I.G.P. dei Colli Senesi 2022



Our Colli Senesi PGI is one of the first Extra Virgin Olive Oils produced in the 2022/2023 campaign. We dedicated the first days of pressing to this wonderful oil. Strict compliance with the regulations of the IGP dei Colli Senesi consortium guarantees that the entire process, from the care of the olive grove, to the pressing and storage, is followed and monitored. The sticker in the bottle as evidence of the Certificate of Conformity attached by the Consortium for Protection, the indication on the label 2022 the certainty that the product is made when the fruits can express the highest quality and be 'tasted' in this wonderful oil. The label with the image of our Sarteano is a tribute to our territory and to the qualities that its farmers are able to express.

Download: ScansioneConformeDicembre2022